Thursday 30 October 2014

Response To Feedback On "Leading Prayer Meetings"

I have had a good response to my YouTube video series on Leading Prayer Meetings.

I have had some feedback and questions and here are some short responses:

Q. I have never been to a prayer meeting like you describe but God still turns up.
A. True. He turns up whenever two or more gather in His name.

Q. As a charismatic, where do the gifts of the Holy Spirit fit in with this type of meeting?
A. If it is an open, public meeting then according to the Apostle Paul, speaking in tongues should not be done but instead the gift of prophecy should be used.
I have found though that it has become so establishment now that most people don't get offended by speaking in tongues so long as an explanation is given. In practice it can also be good to use word of knowledge and word of wisdom to help any visitors to find the reality of the supernatural existence and power of God but there should be more appropriate venues and meeting types for evangelism. The core basis of effective prayer is unity and praying according to His will. My point in the series is that every church needs the power that only comes when people pray and if the time set aside for prayer is limited then we must do what we can to maximize its effectiveness.

Q. In your YouTube series you have such an organised plan in how and what to pray it doesn't appear to leave any room for the leading of the Holy Spirit.
A. It may look that way but I encourage that all participants be open and willing to be led by the Holy Spirit WITHIN the framework of the meeting.
The Apostle Paul told us that everything should be done "properly and in order" but that doesn't mean we can't have flexibility. So long as it is not disruptive and drawing attention to self (I have seen many people who claim to be moving in the Holy Spirit simply use that as an excuse to be the centre of attention) and it is "on topic" and relevant, then that input is welcome.
Before you get offended remember that self control is one of the primary expressions of the fruit of the Holy Spirit and "seeking not its own" is a primary expression of Christian love (Agape) as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13. People who hijack prayer meetings to suit their own agenda are not being led by the Holy Spirit but are being divisive and are not welcome in any of my private meetings. If they appear at a public meeting then they are not ejected immediately but are publicly reminded of these principles and if after that they don't respond in a favourable manner are then asked to leave. They have the option go find/create another meeting somewhere else where they feel they can fit in rather than enforcing their agenda on us. Remember, this YouTube series was specifically intended to address some of these issues and bring a responsible balance back into the contemporary church and is not intended for everyone although it is based on the pattern that Jesus taught us specifically about corporate prayer.

Q. How will people learn how to pray at home if they don't have an example in the prayer meeting?
A. Very good point. This is the main drawback with only using the approach I outlined in the YouTube series. This teaching is primarily geared to corporate gatherings of those who already know how to pray and can be very powerful and effective. One other thing that I did not mention was that Jesus taught us a different way to pray in private to how we should pray as a group (corporately). I intend to cover that in detail at a later time.

Thanks for your feedback everyone. Keep up the good work and keep questioning until you define what's best for yourselves in your situation. 


Pastor Garth.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Managing Prophetic Words

(Click on picture  above for YouTube Playlist)

There are lots of materials and many books and lots of hype surrounding the prophetic move and personal prophecies to the point that many contemporary churches have closed it down and discourage the prophetic in their meetings. I think that this is a very sad and sorry state of affairs that needs to be addressed and fixed. The solution to something powerful that has been abused is NOT disuse but correct use. Rather than running from this messy topic we have a responsibility to put it into its correct context. Paul said "Let everything be done properly and in order" but he didn't say if it's a hassle then throw it in the too-hard basket.

Personally I have found that nearly all (there have been one or two exceptions at most) personal prophecies I have had spoken over my life in the last 36 years have been beneficial. Some have been profoundly life changing. Some should have been but were not for various reasons that we might go into in this series. I will be looking at more in-depth topics of analysis and weaponising personal prophetic words in a later series. This is just a very quick and dirty overview that I just did off the top of my head. The idea is to get the concepts and ideas out there for debate and stimulation of activation within the life of the church and the life of the Christian in general. I want to demystify these things and bring them into reach of everyone who needs them at the same time as we equip and protect the everyday person from their abuse.

This YouTube series is once again intended for pastors and leaders within the body of Christ who I have the privilege to work with and speak into their lives. If anyone else gets something out of it is a bonus.

The prophetic, when done properly, is one of the most powerful tools for growth that exists. It has the potential to bring personal growth to individuals as well as to churches and other organisations.  The Bible says in Revelation "for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" so in effect it is a way that God can speak directly to His people and that comes in very handy at times.

If you want/need detailed and in-depth teaching on the prophetic I recommend the works of Dr Bill Hamon and others from Christian International, though, like prophecy itself it is not complete, it is an excellent reference filled with good principles within which to work. The one that is most important for every Christian exposed to the prophetic, even as a spectator to read is "Prophets and Personal Prophecy". For those who will be working with the prophetic regularly I recommend "Prophets and the Prophetic Movement". For those who intend to move in the prophetic themselves I highly recommend "Prophets, Pitfalls and Principles". All of these are bestsellers and can be found at Amazon and Barnes and Noble, etc.

Hope you enjoy.

Playlist link:

Managing Prophetic Words - Full Series

Links to individual videos in the list:

Saturday 12 July 2014

Defending The Faith

I have had a bit of a discussion on Facebook over the last few days with a couple of other ministers and it would be a shame if it was just lost in the bowels of the beast on some random post. It is definitely worth a read as I'm sure that Christians from many backgrounds will find it very interesting.

It all started when a friend of mine posted a meme. It was a photo of a highway patrol officer who had pulled over this attractive young woman. The caption said: "But officer, I am under grace, not law" and I thought it was a good way to demonstrate how absurd the idea of grace being turned into licence is.

With that being said, I have changed the names of those concerned for privacy reasons. I will call the American Bishop [DD] and the New Zealand Ministry [PM]. And for consistency I will call myself [GC].

Others did not find it so funny.
Apart from the name changes the transcript remains unedited (even if it doesn't show me in the best of lights at times). We pick up the transcript at the first note of dissent.

[DD] Bad analogy :(
July 10 at 1:08pm · Like

[PM] [DD] there are some extreme gracers that think they have no consequence for their sin at all - if -fact the have no sin anymore - because from their perspective God has not only redeemed their spirit, their soul and their body is already in full maturity completely perfected at the point of salvation. I think the rest of us would probably agree that - that is completely true of the Spirit but in the soul and body there is some working out with fear and trembling - full gracers would say this is teaching the Law - I personally don't believe this is the Law - we are not trying to attain salvation. I think the analogy above is trying to depict that some because of grace can do anything they like because they are no longer sinners but saints - I run into this thinking now all of the time. I think this picture is meant to depict someone being pulled over (even tho its another cop) for their transgressions of road conduct - but they are saying - I don't have any transgressions I am under grace not under law. This analogy clearly describes a doctrine and thinking I am running into more and more and more almost on a daily basis.
July 10 at 1:18pm · Unlike · 1

[GC] [DD]. I have similar experiences to [PM] in that regard and it gets worse the more that the emergent church movement infiltrates and influences the church proper. They have abandoned the teaching of the word and are redefining all the major terms, concepts and doctrines and are a serious threat to christianity.
July 10 at 1:32pm · Like

[DD] The problem I have is when the law is used as a discipleship tool. The law, used lawfully serves as a mirror to show how jacked-up we are without Jesus. Grace is not a license to sin, it is liberty from the bondage of sin. And the law. And religion. If the love of God and liberty in Christ are absent, it ain't good news: it ain't the Gospel.
July 10 at 1:58pm · Edited · Like · 1

[GC] [DD]. That is also true but if you look at the entire new testament you will see that it is not just what Jesus did for us but also our response to it in terms of true belief that makes it work. As Paul quoted "the word did not profit them not being mixed with faith in the hearts of those who heard it" and James said that "faith without works is dead" and "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.". In summary. Law and works cannot save us but only what Jesus did for us. We cannot be made perfect by the law but through faith and obedience. But IF WE REALLY DO KNOW JESUS and have a true and real relationship with Him then what we do will look a great deal like the perfect law of love that he gave that we failed to understand. The whole law of God from Moses to Jesus is all about love. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. But the difference is that when you impose a law on somebody from the outside and they don't understand or subscribe to it then it becomes tyranny or oppression. There is nothing wrong with the law but there is something wrong with us. Get it? You really need to understand this or you are in error. Jesus came to deal with that something wrong in us and to give us a new nature that is capable of living like the law says. Put off the old man. Put on the new man. Get it? If you are truly filled with the "Holy" Spirit then He will help you to become holy. But it is something that is now coming from the inside, from our hearts, from faith and love and relationship with Him according to His word, not from outside. Instead of trying to re-define what sin is, why don't we allow the Holy Spirit to "convince us of our sin and lead us into all righteousness"?
July 10 at 2:34pm · Edited · Like

[PM] Nice [DD]
July 10 at 6:12pm · Like · 1

[DD] The law is definitely not to be embraced by the New Covenant Saint. I humbly submit Romans 6:14-15 and Galatians chapter 3 as evidence. Trying to make the case for the OT law for NT Saints is pure folly.
July 10 at 10:06pm · Like · 1

[GC] Oh well, [DD]. I think in your case you need to read what I wrote again and then go away and think about it for a while because I am not advocating a return to Jewish Law. What I am asking is what is this "perfect law of liberty" and all the others I have already quoted? Why do so many of the epistles talk about behavioral standards as being part of the life of the Christian. You cannot blow all that away for the sake of misinterpreting two or three scriptures that have been taken out of context. If you want to ignore 2/3 of the new testament then why bother at all? Why don't you go start your own religion and call it something else like "[DD]'s church of fun" or something.
July 10 at 10:16pm · Like

[PM] wow Garth that's taking it a little far - just saying
July 10 at 10:17pm · Like · 1

[GC] [PM], you might have a point. I know it may be a little harsh but people who talk big about grace and liberty and dismiss the balance and truth in the word of God don't seem to have very good hearing and I can tend to lose patience with them. Especially when they have aspirations of ministry. If they are true ministers then they will be open and humble. I was of that persuasion once but many years of research and breaking and humbling myself opened me up to the rest of the word. People who keep spouting this rubbish have barely read past Philippians or if they have they certainly didn't register what was being said. It has taken God years to break down these negative, self-oriented, "seeker friendly" perceptual filters in me. What am I supposed to do? Just sit on my hands and zip my lip? We are all crying out for a move of God in this nation and it just will not happen until we start listening to the full counsel of God through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Last year Brian Simmons (amongst others) prophesied that God was raising up revivalists and that this new lot were going to bring an "adjustment" to the current thinking in the body of Christ. This is part of the adjustment and I am not the only one talking this way. It is what the Spirit is saying to the churches at the moment. But all of that said, I will not take back what I said before but I do admit that I may have misinterpreted [DD]'s reply or I might even be a bit over sensitive. He entered into this conversation as an adult and I trust he is mature enough to consider all we have discussed without being offended. He can decide where he stands afterward but for now there is ABSOLUTELY NO POINT in watering it down or apologising for this stand. I will try to convince but I will not try to make him and until he goes and starts his own religion (which was simply a little dig at how far the extreme grace position diverges from standard, orthodox Christianity) I will still accept him as my Brother.
July 10 at 10:36pm · Edited · Like

[PM] I can attest to this man having very good ears to hear, a heart to understand, wisdom to apply, a depth in the Word that is a treasure trove of great wealth, he also teachers administers the Word powerfully not only by proven knowledge of learning but also by experiential knowledge and application. He is an overseer of many churches and ministries and is a very humble man. As to Orthodox Christianity - I can only but say misses the mark on so many aspects of truth. Again I think your answer above to myself also is - taking it a little far - just saying
July 10 at 10:50pm · Unlike · 2

[GC] [PM]. That is good to hear such a good report. I do not move in his circles so I did not have the advantage of that knowledge and so much of what you get if you google someone is simply their propaganda or that of their followers. In this case my reference to humility was simply out of his reply to me and that is my personal experience with him. He was quick to jump on my post without really addressing the issues. It didn't really seem to me that he was being open to me. That said though I will take your word for it and give him the benefit of the doubt. I was not referring to the Greek Orthodox or the Eastern Orthodox or any other "Orthodox" type of christianity, I was referring to the average consensus of mainstream evangelical Christianity as opposed to the emergents (that said I am Armenian and have more than a few problems with some aspects of Calvinism, one of which we are now debating in this conversation). And what was wrong with what I said to you? My reply was to say to you that you had a point and that I might have been a bit sensitive and jumped on him in kind (like he did me). I agreed with your evaluation of my post and respected your position but at the same time explained where I was coming from and seeing as I did not have issue with you then what is your problem? Just saying...
July 10 at 11:14pm · Edited · Like

[DD] Thanks for the kind words, [PM].
18 hrs · Unlike · 2

[PM] Don't have a problem
11 hrs · Unlike · 2

[GC] Thank you [PM] for allowing this to be a friendly (if intense) discussion of the basis of our faith and not something that causes division. Well done. I am not being argumentative simply for the sake of it. This is a real and current issue that God is addressing in the body of Christ right now because many of His people are being led astray by unscrupulous leaders who hide behind a version of the grace message. Now, what I was trying to say about the 10 commandments is fully supported by Paul in Romans 13:8-14 which is where I got it from. This is why I say that certain evangelicals have taken their teaching completely out of context. If you look at the grace message in Romans by plucking one or two verses out you do not get the whole context of what Paul was saying. What does faith look like? What does love look like? What does grace look like? What is the difference between grace and mercy? A simplistic view of grace without answering those questions from the whole of scripture will rob people of a rich and full life in God. If you think you have a relationship with Jesus who IS the word of God but don't allow that relationship to be filtered by the written word of God you might just be entertaining some other spirit posing as an angel of light. There is no way to tell other than comparing what you have with what the word of God says it looks like. Now I am not saying that our brother [DD] is like that. I am sure that he is genuine. There seems to be a love and warmth that he exudes. The one thing I say though is that if he doesn't preach and teach the balance (or if not the balance then simply what the life in Christ looks like from Jesus, Paul, Peter, James, John and Jude's perspective) then he is letting his people down. I am not saying that it is the case with him. I am not singling him out. I was simply addressing what I thought he was saying to me in this conversation. There is a huge corporate blindness in this regard in the body of Christ and it has been going on since before the new testament was completed and is referenced by several of the writers I quote above. I am in full agreement with [DD] that we don't want to get into dead religion. We don't want to trade in our living faith for a form without substance. But on the other hand we do not want to be so reactionary against religion that we ignore much of what the new testament teaches through misunderstanding.
8 hrs · Edited · Like

[DD] Garth, I appreciate your sentiment. However, Galatians chapter 3 clearly illustrates the invalidity of the law to NT saints. When you teach a mixture of law and grace, you produce lukewarm saints, and you know where that leads. It is by Grace through Faith we are saved, not by law. Be blessed.
8 hrs · Like

[GC] [DD] I must not be making myself clear. I am NOT trying to mix it. I am simply saying that if your faith is real and it is in Jesus Christ and what He did for us, that as we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us while we "work out our own salvation in fear and trembling", then what we do will be consistent with what God has been wanting from His people all along. Instead of being a rigid law that has limitations, the principles of love which the law was based on as Paul testifies in Romans 13 will begin to be fulfilled in us. We need to have some idea of what that looks like so that we can make sure that we are not defining our own religion. That is what I am talking about. There are many, especially in the growing emergent church movement, who are re-defining what Christianity looks like and they are using license, claiming liberty, to justify it. So what I am trying to say is this, how do we tell the difference between license and liberty? There were two great heresies that Paul and the others were addressing and fighting against in the epistles. One was Jewish legalism on the right and the other was licence and Nicolaitanism on the left. We are told in several places (including Timothy) not to be drawn to the right or to the left but to press forward. If liberty means that we can do what we want then what was Paul talking about when he said "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16 NKJV? Why would he say that if there was nothing to reprove or correct or if righteousness didn't have a structure that required instruction? Why did Paul also say "and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled." 2Co 10:6 NKJV. I submit that there is more than meets the eye and if we look at it with traditional evangelical blinkers on then we will be no better than the Catholics who also add/change the gospel to suit themselves. If you can't receive this then I ask you to please explain what Peter is going on about when says "For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error. (19) While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage. (20) For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. (21) For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. (22) But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: "A DOG RETURNS TO HIS OWN VOMIT," and, "a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire." 2Pe 2:18-22 NKJV? Am I to assume that Peter was just religious and that I am to disregard this (and most of the NT) just on your say so with one or two verses? Don't be absurd.
7 hrs · Edited · Like

[DD] If you're guilty of one point of the law, you're guilty of the whole law (James 2:100. Grace is better that's why Paul wrote it plainly in Romans 6:14-15, Galatians 2:21, and Galatians 5:4. Therefore, if anyone uses the law for anything other than to show the unsaved their desperate need for a savior, they teach in error. 

Moreover, when you resort to statements such as "Don't be absurd..." you flirt with ad hominems, reducing the voracity of your argument.
7 hrs · Unlike · 2

[PM] Me just now laughing - wow - I just want to see people won to Christ and then I my best ability try to not mess them up with telling them what is wrong with them - I have found that the Holy Spirit is far better of convicting a person of Sin, Righteousness and Judgement than I will ever be. He can put a meniscal brush of His light on one aspect of a persons life and they are on the floor for an hour with tears, snot and weeping as He deals with their heart. I have found if I try to do the same thing it will be me in tears on the floor wondering what the hang I did wrong and how terribly I just hurt some poor soul and possibly negatively effected their entire future and the future of their family. I have to learn more and more not to do law. The minute I do law I have judged someone for sinning differently than I sin and therefore I must be judged with the same measure and measuring device. God help me.
7 hrs · Unlike · 2

[GC] [DD]. Thanks for your correction. You are right about the "Don't be absurd" and I apologise. It is a good point.
7 hrs · Like · 1

[GC] [PM]. Exactly. Remember what I said above (way earlier in the conversation) that when the law, no matter how good it is, is applied from the outside, becomes bondage and tyranny. I am not talking about us judging people based on the law. I am simply asking what it looks like when God writes His law on our hearts. I am simply affirming that those who say that it looks like worldliness, unrestrained flesh or demonic activity then it doesn't look like God. This is a personal thing. Self righteousness and legalism is where we judge others. True righteousness comes from judging ourselves and allowing Him to be made flesh in us. As Peter said, it is in appropriating the promises of God in His word that we become more like Him. "by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." 2 Peter 1:4. And speaking of lust (self-oriented desire for self-gratification) that we are supposed to have escaped. How do we know we have truly escaped if we don't look into the mirror of the word of God. I have used all New Testament scriptures here. Are you starting to get the picture here? Legalism and Licence are two arms of the same religious devil.
7 hrs · Like · 1

Please also note that the good Bishop didn't pick up that he implied that I was engaged in "pure folly" but objected when I called his attitude "absurd". The reason I conceded and apologised was that I broke my own rule. I will usually judge an attitude or behaviour but not the person. I don't usually call people names or categorise them. Interestingly though, the more times I read the gospels the more I notice that Jesus did...

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Leading Prayer Meetings - In This Manner Pray

There are lots of people today coming up with all sorts of wild and wonderful ways to relate to God but the emphasis is mostly on the individual. But how did Jesus teach us to relate to God? To pray?

Many times I have attended prayer meetings and it seems that the leaders don't know what to do and it ends up either being a shambles or I take over (with permission) and lead it to the relief of the poor person who has been thrown in the deep end without any real guidance or training. I know that sounds rude but if you have an audience with the King you had better go in prepared and confident or you are wasting everyone's time (In a corporate sense anyway - personal prayer and devotions are different altogether). 

It is important that when we get together to pray that we are in unity and that we have someone to lead and that there is a clear agenda, plan or structure to make the most of the time together. There is a lot of talk about being led by the Holy Spirit but we can still do that WITHIN the structure or there will be chaos and a lack of direction and unity.

In Matthew 6:7 Jesus said "And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words." and in verse 9 He said "In this manner, therefore, pray:".

It is clear that Jesus didn't want us just following a form and repeating words like a parrot. He wants us to understand what we are doing and keep it real. So in this series of videos I am going to look at the principles behind the Lord's Prayer that, when understood, enable a leader to keep the people engaged and focused for a sustained period of time while at the same time covering the essentials and being spiritually productive.

Hope you enjoy.

Monday 12 May 2014

Healing A Nation - The 5 Keys

Many people think that mass moves of God happen spontaneously and they call them "Sovereign Moves of God" but I am afraid that those people are mistaken. They just didn't notice the devout ones who allowed the Holy Spirit to transform them and in turn bring a move that flows down to transforming the nation.

The following verse contains five keys to a Nation Healing move of God:

2 Chronicles 7:14  if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (NKJV)

In this six part series of short, sharp and to the point videos I cover these key principles in the hope that more and more people would realise that is is no accident and that with even a small group of dedicated believers, nations can be affected.

Part 1 - 5 Keys to Healing a Nation

Part 2 (The First Key) - If My People Who Are Called By My Name

Part 3 (The second Key) - Will Humble Themselves

Part 4 (The Third Key) - AND Pray

Part 5 (The Fourth Key) - AND Seek My Face

Part 6 (The Final Key) - AND Turn...

Friday 9 May 2014

I Am Responsible For My Self Image!

Does anyone remember what the old Latin saying "Caveat Emptor" means?

My mum used to drum it into me, especially when we went shopping and I was beginning to succumb to the temptations lined up in order to catch my line of sight. It means "let the buyer beware".

In our current society we have all sorts of legislation and expectations that we can just wander through life as a consumer and be protected without any need to do our homework, checks, research or even thinking before engaging in a transaction. Many times now we can take something back to the store simply because we changed our mind.

This kind of "consumer protection" thinking has flowed on to many aspects of society with more and more social and legal control on "providers" and less and less onus of responsibility on "consumers" or "clients". Even in education nowadays it is not for us students to respect our teachers and lecturers and learn from them but it is up to them as "education service providers" to teach us. How absurd! But isn't that just the way of the world?

The point I am going to make now is that if that is the  way of the world then what place, if any, does it have in the church or in the life of the Christian believer? More and more I see people sitting on their bums enjoying the "performance" of the Pastor and the rest of the church production and if they don't like it enough they go somewhere else. It is all someone else's fault if I don't grow in God. Someone says something that doesn't make me feel good about myself then I get upset. It is those nasty people who said that who are bad people and I proceed to judge them for judging me and fail to see that it is I being more judgemental that those who I am accusing. This is crazy!!!

I am responsible for how I feel about myself. The Bible says that the minister has been put there to watch over my soul and that I am to give him/her double honour. How can he/she do that if we walk out the instant they challenge our thinking or our lifestyle. Not only do I need to allow those I submit to to speak into my life but I need to actively take responsibility in how I respond and react to the words spoken over me and not to buy in to anything that doesn't line up with God's plan for my life. Buyer beware.

PS. Garth Clarkson

Testing The Man of God - Fatal Prophecy - Higher Accountability

Tue 22/05/2012 2:21 PM

I found a very interesting passage last night in 1 Kings 13. It related to a "Man of God" who went down from Judah and pronounced judgement on one of the kings of Israel who had set up altars so that his people didn't have to go to Jerusalem to the temple. He didn't make them like the regular altars of God, square with 4 horns but made two golden calves and told the people that these were the gods that brought them out of Egypt.

This prophet had been given very specific instructions by the LORD. He obeyed them to the letter and God backed him up with amazing miraculous signs and then he went his way. He had been told not to eat or drink in Israel but to go a different road back to Judah. While he was on the way back to Judah, an old prophet went out to meet him and lied to him and told him that it was OK to come and have a meal with him. He listened to the old prophet after which the old prophet prophesied judgement over him.

That judgement manifested swiftly and with just as much of the miraculous as before and he was killed by a lion. When the old prophet heard of it he went and got his body, which was being watched over by the lion and the donkey the young prophet had been riding, and he buried him with honour in his own tomb and left instructions that when he died that he should be laid in the grave beside him. Part of the judgement was that he would not be buried in the tomb of his fathers. This left me in tears. The old prophet gave him a place with his own family so that the young one would not be alone.

Which one was the false prophet?


One was given an important task.

The other was given an important task.

The old guy was asked by God to test the new guy and the new guy failed the test. Even though he was the one God used to test the new guy, the old guy was grieved. He didn't grieve over what he had done, that is to take out the new guy through entrapment, but he grieved that a fellow prophet had fallen, and gave him honour and respect. He was obedient. The young guy wasn't. But, you say, how can he be a true prophet of God because he lied. If the young guy had held fast to the instructions he was given regardless of who challenged or modified them then he would have passed the test.

You see, prophets are different to all other people, a man of God as opposed to a priest or a minister is a man who is set apart to and for God. He is God's property and has been given a great privilege, that is to hear from God directly and to correct and direct, judge and release. He is accountable to God and God alone. That's crazy you might say. We all need to be accountable to the authority over us and to our peers and to the government and to the church. Yes we do, except in the case of the prophet.

It is the prophet's responsibility to make sure he has heard it right before acting. Once he acts and speaks he needs to be 100% sure of himself and the word that God wants to deliver, there is no turning back or turning aside. He is in God's hands. When you are the mouth and finger of God you have an awesome power and along with that comes an equally awesome responsibility. If you follow that path you must make yourself totally available to Him and completely at His mercy without fear or favour. If you screw up He will deal with you personally. We see only 2 generations before that king Saul did not obey Samuel to the letter but let king Agag live and he took the livestock he was supposed to destroy. The kingdom was torn from him that day. Solomon had some amazing experiences in God and had the presence of God come down and promises made because of his good attitude and God kept those promises but there was also warning in what was said and he didn't heed the warning and so God tore down what He had built for him.

1 Kings 12:19 So Israel has been in rebellion against the house of David to this day. (20) Now it came to pass when all Israel heard that Jeroboam had come back, they sent for him and called him to the congregation, and made him king over all Israel. There was none who followed the house of David, but the tribe of Judah only.

1 Kings 12:26 And Jeroboam said in his heart, "Now the kingdom may return to the house of David: (27) If these people go up to offer sacrifices in the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, then the heart of this people will turn back to their lord, Rehoboam king of Judah, and they will kill me and go back to Rehoboam king of Judah." (28) Therefore the king asked advice, made two calves of gold, and said to the people, "It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods, O Israel, which brought you up from the land of Egypt!" (29) And he set up one in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan. (30) Now this thing became a sin, for the people went to worship before the one as far as Dan. (31) He made shrines on the high places, and made priests from every class of people, who were not of the sons of Levi. (32) Jeroboam ordained a feast on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, like the feast that was in Judah, and offered sacrifices on the altar. So he did at Bethel, sacrificing to the calves that he had made. And at Bethel he installed the priests of the high places which he had made. (33) So he made offerings on the altar which he had made at Bethel on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, in the month which he had devised in his own heart. And he ordained a feast for the children of Israel, and offered sacrifices on the altar and burned incense.

As a man of God I need to be much more careful that I hear from Him correctly and accurately and completely. I am no longer to allow anyone to force my gift. No matter what I must not speak prophetically unless the Spirit of God moves me to. When I am moved I need to be very careful to follow His instructions. It is only by His grace and mercy that I am not dead.

Twice (I think) I have prophesied when I shouldn't have. I allowed those people to suck it out of me and make me give them a word. I have been haunted by those experiences. The words were good. The people were blessed and they are very happy but I know it was the wrong timing and in one case it was speaking the person's heart and not His perfect will for them. My words came to pass as they do. They are happy. God is not. It is my job to be able to distinguish between what is around someone, what is in their heart and what He wants to say. If I can't do that then I am not a prophet but someone who is using God's prophetic gift for their own ends. I am an irresponsible person playing with people's lives and not adding real value to the Kingdom of God but problems.

So many "prophets" these days are just spiritual people, akin to teacup readers, who have an interest in the supernatural and get off on spiritual gifts. They tinker with things they do not understand and put themselves and the people they minister to in grave danger. I can't afford to be like that. Even many respected, mature prophetic ministries don't seem to understand these principles and it worries me. "In many words there is error". I know that you get used to the flow. I know that after a time it just comes out and you don't even need to understand or think about what you are saying, that you are just a human radio tuned in to the Holy Ghost channel. There is a place for that and I respect them but that is not the place He has put me in. Although I can do that, I am really uncomfortable with it. If I am going to be generic then I leave that to my preaching and teaching. When I prophesy it needs to be God speaking directly to the person, clearly and specifically, or not at all.

The issues I have with many prophetic people today that I have worked with are complex. Many think they are prophetic, and more than some of them are, but they have not trained their minds and their spirits to discern the various sources of that information flow. They have allowed themselves to become deceived on more than one issue and on more than one occasion. They will not let someone like me teach them, guide them or train them. They feel that it is God's job. I fear for them. If you will not hear from anyone but God while at the same time you are sensitive and open to more spiritual influences than just Him then you expose yourself to all kinds of nasty things. You also make it so that He has to deal with you directly because you will not be taught which can be a really scary thing. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God".

Over the years I have heard what God requires of me. He has been clear and specific and so I have been clear and specific. Some have begun to say that I am deceived in thinking that God would do this through me and that I am not accountable to anyone. They obviously doesn't understand what the office of a prophet entails as opposed to a prophetic person or one who moves in the gift of prophecy where the limit and extent of operation of the gift should be for exhortation, edification and comfort. The problem is that I have, like the young guy in this account, allowed people to challenge what I know to be true and have modified how I say it and I have softened it or have made it more palatable for them.

I am so fortunate to be alive today in obscurity. If I hadn't learned this and was still in prominence then I probably wouldn't be. People would say that that's so Old Testament but they forget all about Ananias and Sapphira and Simon the sorcerer and Herod and the list goes on. They were all new testament events but no one wants to know about that these days. The truth is that if we don't walk in His grace then we come under His law and if we will not come under His law then we are worse than heathen because they don't know any better. We do know better even if we pretend we don't by clinging to contemporary doctrine and values.

It is better to leave those who don't know God that way rather than to bring them into a church that is full of compromise and double standards and the way of thinking in common with the world and exposing them to doctrines of devils. I know why Paul sweated in prayer and concern and worry over the churches. Galatia, Ephesus, Corinth, it seemed that no matter how well he laid the foundation, they were being pulled in every direction the moment his back was turned. I get it. I just don't know how to fix it yet. Many contemporary churches don't even preach the gospel any more but popular psychology, those that don't are often tainted by it. Most are just caught up in the me, me, me, God wants to bless me, mentality without a true understanding of discipleship, service and worship. I know I am called to help change all that but how and what and when I don't know yet. I do know that I have to be really, really careful in what I say and do or it, should I say, I will be short-lived. God may not kill me like in the story but I do know that it only takes a moment to fall from a place of honour and distinction in Him into complete obscurity. I know that one from experience. I know that one very, very well.


Note: I have included the Bible passage below so you can read it for yourself.


1 Kings 13:1-32 MKJV And behold, a man of God came out of Judah, by the Word of Jehovah, to Bethel. And Jeroboam stood by the altar to burn incense. (2) And he cried against the altar in the Word of Jehovah and said, O, altar, altar, so says Jehovah. Behold, a son shall be born to the house of David, Josiah by name, and on you he shall offer the priests of the high places who burn incense on you, and men's bones shall be burned on you. (3) And he gave a sign the same day, saying, This is the sign which Jehovah has spoken. Behold, the altar shall be torn apart, and the ashes that are on it shall be poured out. (4) And it happened when King Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of God who had cried against the altar in Bethel, he put forth his hand from the altar, saying, Lay hold on him! And his hand, which he put forth against him withered up so that he could not pull it in again to himself. (5) The altar also was torn apart, and the ashes poured out from the altar according to the sign which the man of God had given by the Word of Jehovah. (6) And the king answered and said to the man of God, Seek now the face of Jehovah your God, and pray for me, and my hand may be given back to me again. And the man of God prayed to Jehovah, and the king's hand was given back to him again, and became as at the beginning. (7) And the king said to the man of God, Come home with me and refresh yourself, and I will give you a reward. (8) And the man of God said to the king, If you will give me half your house, I will not go in with you, nor will I eat bread nor drink water in this place. (9) For so was it commanded me by the Word of Jehovah, saying, Eat no bread nor drink water, nor return again by the same way that you came. (10) And he went another way, and did not return by the way he came to Bethel. (11) And a certain old prophet was living in Bethel, and his son came and told him all the works that the man of God had done that day in Bethel. The words which he had spoken to the king they also told to their father. (12) And their father said to them, Where is this man? What way did he go? For his sons had seen what way the man of God, who came from Judah, had gone. (13) And he said to his sons, Saddle me the ass. And they saddled the ass for him, and he rode on it, (14) and went after the man of God, and found him sitting under an oak. And he said to him, Are you the man of God who came from Judah? And he said, I am. (15) And he said to him, Come home with me and eat bread. (16) And he said, I may not return with you nor go in with you, nor will I eat bread or drink water with you in this place. (17) For a word was to me by the Word of Jehovah, You shall eat no bread nor drink water there, nor turn again to go by the way that you came. (18) And he said to him, I am a prophet also as you are. And an angel spoke to me by the Word of Jehovah, saying, Bring him back with you into your house, so that he may eat bread and drink water. But he lied to him. (19) So he went back with him and ate bread in his house, and drank water. (20) And it happened as they sat at the table, the Word of Jehovah came to the prophet who brought him back. (21) And he cried to the man of God who came from Judah, saying, So says Jehovah, Because you have not obeyed the mouth of Jehovah and have not kept the command which Jehovah your God commanded you, (22) but came back and have eaten bread and have drunk water in the place which He said to you, You shall not eat bread nor drink water, your body shall not come to the tomb of your fathers. (23) And after he had eaten bread, and after he had drunk, it happened that he saddled the ass for him, for the prophet whom he had brought back. (24) And he left, and a lion met him by the way and killed him. And his dead body was thrown in the highway, and the ass stood by it, and the lion also stood by the body. (25) And behold, men passed by and saw the body thrown in the way, and the lion standing by the body. And they came and told it in the city where the old prophet lived. (26) And when the prophet who brought him back from the way heard, he said, It is the man of God who did not obey the Word of Jehovah. And Jehovah has delivered him to the lion, which has torn him and killed him, according to the Word of Jehovah which He spoke to him. (27) And he spoke to his sons, saying, Saddle the ass for me. And they saddled it. (28) And he went and found his body thrown in the way, and the ass and the lion standing by the body. The lion had not eaten the body nor torn the ass. (29) And the prophet took up the dead body of the man of God, and laid it on the ass and brought it back. And the prophet came to the city to mourn and to bury him. (30) And he laid his body in his own grave. And they mourned over him, saying, Alas, my brother! (31) And it happened after he had buried him, he spoke to his sons, saying, When I am dead, then bury me in the tomb in which the man of God is buried. Lay my bones beside his bones, (32) for the saying which he cried by the Word of Jehovah against the altar in Bethel, and against all the houses of the high places in the cities of Samaria, shall surely come to pass."

Posted by Garth Clarkson at 06:30
FRIDAY, 9 MAY 2014

Thursday 8 May 2014

Law vs. Grace issue from a different perspective

Friday, 28 March 2014  2:03 PM

The problem we have with the Law vs. Grace argument that is raging in the body of Christ at the moment is that there is such a huge focus on the relationship of the individual from that individual's perspective. "My relationship with God is the most important thing in my life" is a catch cry that I keep on hearing. We have taken over management of our relationship with God and we are defining to Him and to others what we believe is important.

How about we step back for a minute and look at it from a different perspective. How about we look at it from God's point of view.

  1. Jesus. Everything that Jesus taught was based around an attitude of laying down self and picking up God's agenda. This "My relationship with God" is not from this attitude but is a selfish, new-age recreation of faith from a human perspective. It is not about taking control of your flesh and crucifying it or laying down your life for others. The drive for wholeness of the natural man and personal success in society is far from what Jesus taught. "… for it is better for you to enter the kingdom of heaven maimed than for you to be whole and be cast into hell…" - Jesus' words, not mine.
  2. Paul. So many take half of Paul's teaching about grace and completely ignore the rest of it as if it doesn't exist. They seem incapable of understanding. After going to great lengths to explain that we are under grace and that the "law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death" and then people say "there is no law". He even teaches that these truths are spiritually discerned and cannot be understood by the natural mind. How do they regard "present your bodies as a living sacrifice", and "if we (apostles) are barely saved then …" and "if, after that they willingly sin then there remains no sacrifice for their sins" and "but we are not like those who slip back unto destruction…" and "If anyone comes to you with a different gospel… let him be accursed".
  3. James. "Self seeking… this is not the wisdom that comes from above but is earthly, sensual, devilish".

I don't see many places where it actually speaks about having a relationship with God. I know that is silly because you see it everywhere in the bible as what they do but it is never mentioned much as far as what we need to focus on. What we are told to focus on is loving one another with a new, godly kind of love that is defined in 1 Cor 13.  We are told to lay down our selfish desires and self seeking and self serving to live with Him and for Him. We are encouraged to live holy lives, not out of some list of impersonal rules but out of love and respect for the one who made the rules. They are not our prison but they are boundaries set by a loving father.

I know some people who, in my opinion, seem to be wonderful reflections of Jesus yet have never heard Him speak to them. I know some people who say they hear from Him all the time who more demonstrate that they are their own God and they have wrapped it all up in a religious fantasy where our God supposedly rubber-stamps everything they believe and do.

It is time we take a good look at this from God's perspective. It is stated in the Word of God that He is the same yesterday, today and forever and that He never changes. He created the Law. Paul and Jesus testify that the Law is perfect. Jesus was brutally lashed and then killed because of our transgressions. How does God feel when we now say that the law doesn't count or that it has been nullified. The law is an expression of the nature of God. It tells us what He likes and what He hates and the weight he places on various principles. We may not be bound by it any longer if we actively walk in the grace of the new covenant but if we disregard it then we miss out on an accurate portrait of who and what He is. How can we say that we have a relationship with Him when it consists of our fantasies and personal thoughts and desires rather than the word of God. This fixation on having a relationship with Jesus without having a relationship with the word of God is like having an imaginary friend. We are all open to various influences and sometimes there is no way to tell which spirit is which without a thorough knowledge of God and His word. Now some may say that they know God really well and so they have that. I say that if that knowledge of God is not based on the word of God then it is rubbish.

In a true, mature relationship with God our heart attitude needs to be that it is all about Him, not just as an object of worship but as the source of all authority in this world and that we are not just required to obey but that it is our heart's deep and sincere desire.

Jesus said that "if you abide in Me and My words abide in you…" and "if you love me then keep my commandments". John said that if you say you love God who you cannot see but do not love your brother who you can see then the truth is not in you. I would like to say that this same principle applies to obedience to the word of God. If you say that you obey God who you cannot see but do not obey those He has placed over you in authority then the truth is not in you. If you say that you obey God who you cannot see but do not obey His word which you can see then the truth is not in you.

PS. I have intentionally left out direct scripture references in the interest of flow. Those who know the word of God reasonably well will call them to mind as they read. Those who don't can easily download free bible study resources like e-sword from the Internet and do searches on the concepts and phrases I have quoted using those tools. They also contain other resources like lexicons and means to access original languages, etc. I would prefer that those who disagree do their own study to verify for themselves whether there is any validity to what I am asserting. If they are unwilling to do so then they are not really qualified to comment or hold an opinion on the subject. 

Friday 2 May 2014

Revivals or the Move of God

This post is mainly just a place to put my latest video about revivals and moves of God.

Every outpouring of God's grace publicly en-masse has been preceded by extraordinary prayer and a heart of repentance in the people of God.

I go into more detail in my posts onVisitation of Godand A Fresh Move Of God.

But for now I hope you enjoy the video.

Revivals or the Move of God

Posted by Garth Clarkson at 01:58

FRIDAY, 2 MAY 2014

Thursday 1 May 2014

Miracles & Medicine

Can miracles and medicine coexist? Does faith require a turning away from science? What is best practice for those seeking the supernatural of God?

In many ways I owe my faith to my father. He was a highly intelligent man who had served in the Royal Australian Air Force during World War Two and after he returned studied and eventually became a doctor. He was the youngest son of a Methodist minister. One day he caught me using the Lord's name in vain and what he said to me that day has stayed with me ever since. Apart from strongly encouraging me to go to church (no he didn't make me go cause he rarely went himself and mum said that he wasn't a hypocrite) he only spoke to me once about his and my faith.

My father said "you don't want to do that son, taking the Lord's name in vain. There is only one name given under heaven by which man can be saved and that name is the Lord Jesus Christ. Be very careful. Look after that name and defend it because one day you are going to need it and you will want Him to respond."

As I said. That was the only time my father directly spoke to me about God. I saw his life of dedication and service to the community. I listened as he would cry out to God some nights praying that a patient would pull through. He was a surgeon, one of the best, but he would be shattered when he lost a patient. It it through his example that I know that science and faith are not mutually exclusive.

I was reminded of all this when I was in friendly conversation with a young doctor at a social event and we got talking about faith and meaning in life, as you do. This video is a result of that conversation. I was astounded and appalled when he related this story to me and I hope that we can stamp out the madness that allows others to brand us as loonies and bring the balance that is so needed if we want to reach intelligent people with the Gospel. It is not mutually exclusive and NO, we don't need to change it, we just need to live it properly so that people can make sense of it.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Communion With God

This is a vitally important topic for all Christians today. We all talk about "The fellowship of the Holy Spirit" but what does it mean?

Many have espoused their own versions on this. Some are good, most are not so good, but I would like to point you to the best. 

No, no, no, not me. (Shrugs) I am talking about the man of God who practically wrote the book on hearing from God. Over 50 books actually.

Over 20 years ago, in the last week of June 1992, I met this extraordinary man and it helped me to solidify many thoughts and concepts in God. We were having lunch in a restaurant when he asked the people there some challenging questions and we became involved in a passionate discussion over different things from new age heresies to the prophetic of God. At the end of that luncheon I walked out with a publishing contract written on a random sheet of paper that one of the attendees had in their bag.

Needless to say. I am not famous. I never completed that book. It is probably for the best.

But now we get back on topic. There is only one place I refer people to where I know that not only will they be encouraged to be totally free to develop their ability to hear spiritually and to then use a balanced and rigorous knowledge and understanding of the word of God to work out what God is saying through it all.

I have waited this long in the post to mention his name as he has been slandered and misunderstood by many but I can assure you that he is for real and more to be trusted than many of the big names.

The man's name is Mark Virlker from Communion With God Ministries and can be found here:

He also has a very useful and fascinating YouTube channel:

Mark Virkler pioneered the practice of "Journalling" within a Christian context. This is NOT the same as the occult practice of "Automatic writing" which is practiced by mediums and spiritualists and can get people into lots of scary trouble. 

Mark explains it best but for those who don't want to watch his stuff just now I will do a brief overview. He suggests that our moral and intellectual filters are so active that we find it difficult to receive or tune in to the voice of God and I know this is the case with those who are well versed in scripture but not so much with those who aren't. He teaches that we shouldn't worry about it at the time of inspiration and just write down what comes to mind as it is and then sort it out within the context of the word of God later. This frees up the process of receiving and expressing the message God has for you because you don't worry about it or hold on to it too tight but let it flow and sort it out later.

It must be said that those who neglect the most important aspects of his method, as in the going over what was written and evaluating it in the light of Holy Scripture, are nutbags and not his responsibility.

Just because some people take part of his teaching and ignore the whole process does not invalidate his ministry. The man (and his wife Patti) is an inspiration and has been ground-breaking and significant in his contribution to the body of Christ.

My YouTube Channel


I've posted so much stuff tonight that I need to put a link to my YouTube Channel because, after all, that's the main reason I have a blog...

Check it out here:


Pastor Garth Clarkson

PS. If you have ideas for a video or questions you would like addressed then feel free to leave a comment.

Why we do what looks to be religious stuff when we are saved by grace?

There are many people who argue that we are set free from every religious practice and ritual because we are set free by the cross. I have been called legalistic and religious by some people because I insist that it is good practice to Tithe, Fast and Pray, Regularly Worship and many other practices that some insist belong to old testament Judaism and not to Christian service.

Paul said that whoever you submit yourself to as a servant to obey is your master (well, he said that you are his servant). As Christians we should have only one master, God the father. We should have no other thing telling us how to spend our money or our time or what gets our time and energy. In theory. I know that there are many practical things that are needed for day to day life but these are choices. Once we allow something to dictate to us then we become its slave.

That is why smoking or any other kind of addiction is bad. It takes resources from us for no good purpose and flushes it away while getting us more and more hooked up with what it wants and not what God wants (or what we want for that matter). It becomes an idol, something that becomes more important than God in our lives.

That is why we tithe. When we tithe we honour God with our finances and it takes the power of the flesh out of our spending. On the positive side there are so many promises in the word of God about Him blessing your finances when you give that you would be mad not to so long as you see it the right way and not as a religious thing but as part of your relationship with God.

That is why we fast and pray. We don't want desires for different foods, etc, to rule over us. We need to control the flesh. Actually we are told to crucify the flesh. Jesus said that we would not fast while the Bridegroom was with us but that we would fast when He was gone. It is NOT an old testament thing. It is a powerful tool to help us have victory and power in our lives.

Do not be deceived by people who would try to tell you that the liberty that Christ has won us through the cross is a license to do what we want. It is the opposite. In old testament prophecy it says that He will write His law on our hearts, that we will no longer have hearts of stone but hearts of flesh and that we will do by nature the things that please Him. It is not that the things that please Him have changed. It is that the state of our hearts should have changed when we asked Him in to our lives and that we now have a different nature that allows us to think and desire along the lines of what God thinks and desires rather than according to the fallen human nature.

What He did on the cross is this. He destroyed the power of the sinful human nature in our lives if we allow it to. Both in our lives as individuals and corporately as the body of Christ.

This is not being religious, it is being responsible, it is being a good steward of the grace that God has given us.

Pastor Garth Clarkson

Thursday, 9th January 2014

Posted by Garth Clarkson at 02:09


Loving or being loved?

God is love.

Many Christians spend most of their waking time searching for the love of God. They want to feel loved and hang in God's presence because "nothing I would rather do", etc.

The only problem there is that Jesus told us to show love, to do things that express the love of God to other people. He taught us to love.

Seeking love is self-seeking and it is selfish. It is true that all human beings need to be loved but the attempt to fill that gaping hole in our hearts is the cause of every evil thing on this planet. It has been preached by many (including me) that it is a God-shaped hole and that we fill it with Him to become complete. Now that is true but once that has happened we need to take that love out to others. When we know Him we no longer should be seeking to be loved but in knowing we are loved by the creator we take Him out to them. That is the love of God. It is not "carpet hugging" or deep worship, it is feeding the hungry and visiting the widow.

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE worship and it refreshes me and equips me with a profound sense of the presence of God that helps me to conquer my fears and the other opposition so that I can go out there and reach people for Him. That said, worship is NOT the reason we are here, that is not what is meant by bringing God glory. Singing His praises is good, but there is no higher declaration of His goodness than to buy a homeless person a meal in His name or to get them shoes. Try it and see. The praise God gets from one of these precious ones is more intense and genuine than anything we can muster up no matter how hyped we get on a Sunday.




Posted by Garth Clarkson at 02:02

Visitation of God

Once again the following is just an idea I jotted down. I haven't fully developed the scriptural or scholarly support. It is just notes but I still want to get the idea out there...

5th November 2013

Pastor Garth Clarkson

When we boil it all down, revivals and moves of God are times when God visits His people. Jesus and the prophets spoke extensively about "the visitation of God".

Elijah's return was prophesied to prepare the way of the messiah. Later Jesus tells us that it was talking about John the Baptist. Anyway, it speaks of preparing for the visitation of God. Cut down the mountains, fill the valleys and make a highway for Him to travel. In other words, Repent. Jesus said narrow is the gate and straight is the road that leads to eternal life and few there are that find it.

Every outpouring of God's grace publicly en-masse has been preceded by extraordinary prayer and a heart of repentance in the people of God. (Sometimes it has even involved martyrdom as a foundation) Even if it was as few as twenty people or in some cases just one or two. The common factor is dedication and unity. Sacrificial dedication.

John the Baptist's message was "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand"

Jesus' message was "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is HERE"

Peter's message, Stephen's message and Paul's message was "Repent for you killed the King and He is risen. The kingdom of heaven is here to stay"

Today we have a situation in the contemporary church where it appears that "repent" is a dirty word. Problem is, without repentance there is no becoming a part of the kingdom because that is how you enter - by the blood of the Lamb and that blood is NOT AVAILABLE without repentance.

  • Need to expand on the visitation side from scripture
  • Need to expand on the visitation side from Church history

What happens when God visits His people is dependent on their attitudes and what they've been up to. Visit is used for the day when God's judgement is executed and it is also used when they are restored from that position of judgement. Job said that it was God's visitation on him that brought the blessing.

When God visits it is a good idea to make sure that your accounts are in order. It is crazy to pray for revival without entering a state of deep repentance or otherwise you are one of the first casualties when He comes. Deal with it now or He will and it will be very public. God will not allow His anointing to be a covering for sin or a validation of bad character. If we want that double portion then we need to do the "Hebrews 1" thing, hate lawlessness and love righteousness.

Posted by Garth Clarkson at 01:57