Tuesday 29 April 2014

Communion With God

This is a vitally important topic for all Christians today. We all talk about "The fellowship of the Holy Spirit" but what does it mean?

Many have espoused their own versions on this. Some are good, most are not so good, but I would like to point you to the best. 

No, no, no, not me. (Shrugs) I am talking about the man of God who practically wrote the book on hearing from God. Over 50 books actually.

Over 20 years ago, in the last week of June 1992, I met this extraordinary man and it helped me to solidify many thoughts and concepts in God. We were having lunch in a restaurant when he asked the people there some challenging questions and we became involved in a passionate discussion over different things from new age heresies to the prophetic of God. At the end of that luncheon I walked out with a publishing contract written on a random sheet of paper that one of the attendees had in their bag.

Needless to say. I am not famous. I never completed that book. It is probably for the best.

But now we get back on topic. There is only one place I refer people to where I know that not only will they be encouraged to be totally free to develop their ability to hear spiritually and to then use a balanced and rigorous knowledge and understanding of the word of God to work out what God is saying through it all.

I have waited this long in the post to mention his name as he has been slandered and misunderstood by many but I can assure you that he is for real and more to be trusted than many of the big names.

The man's name is Mark Virlker from Communion With God Ministries and can be found here:


He also has a very useful and fascinating YouTube channel:


Mark Virkler pioneered the practice of "Journalling" within a Christian context. This is NOT the same as the occult practice of "Automatic writing" which is practiced by mediums and spiritualists and can get people into lots of scary trouble. 

Mark explains it best but for those who don't want to watch his stuff just now I will do a brief overview. He suggests that our moral and intellectual filters are so active that we find it difficult to receive or tune in to the voice of God and I know this is the case with those who are well versed in scripture but not so much with those who aren't. He teaches that we shouldn't worry about it at the time of inspiration and just write down what comes to mind as it is and then sort it out within the context of the word of God later. This frees up the process of receiving and expressing the message God has for you because you don't worry about it or hold on to it too tight but let it flow and sort it out later.

It must be said that those who neglect the most important aspects of his method, as in the going over what was written and evaluating it in the light of Holy Scripture, are nutbags and not his responsibility.

Just because some people take part of his teaching and ignore the whole process does not invalidate his ministry. The man (and his wife Patti) is an inspiration and has been ground-breaking and significant in his contribution to the body of Christ.

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