Monday 10 June 2019

My Yearly Update

It's a Miracle!!!

No, seriously. It looks like I am not going to die any time soon.

I have had a very busy and interesting time over the last year.

I have discovered that many things that are presented as fact are actually rubbish. This not only applies to the incredibly ignorant and arrogant concept of man-made climate change (not to be confused with pollution) but also to diet.

The official food guidelines are toxic!!! They have been compromised by politics and big money and small, greedy people.

I lost my father in 1972. He was a doctor. A general practitioner and a consulting surgeon. He was an early adopter of the new "health food" standards of the 1950s and 1960s. It took less than 20 years to kill him.

I lost my mother in 1992. She was a nurse. She also operated accounting machines for big firms. She was devoted to the family and was very focused on a healthy lifestyle. She was an early adopter of the "healthy food' guidelines and I remember many books lurking around on the topic as she was an avid reader. Mum was 12 years younger than my father. She suffered from an ongoing, life-threatening illness since the 1970s and finally passed away after her body rejected the liver that was transplanted into her.

I was always struggling with my weight and with sensory issues and focus issues, etc. I tried very hard to achieve what many of my peers did naturally. I suffered from various joint and muscle problems, had a tendency towards depression and had chronic sinusitis. I had my first heart attack at 32. When I was 50 years old I had open heart surgery with a quadruple heart bypass graft.

Five years ago I had more heart attacks and discovered that all that new plumbing was blocked up and that there was no longer anything they could do for me besides medication.

I was being constantly told that I must be eating too much and that I was lazy and didn't exercise enough.


I discovered that all the research about fat and cholesterol causing heart disease is rubbish. It is sugar that causes all the damage. I am not just talking about the white or brown or raw stuff here. Did you know that a slice of bread is worth around half its weight in the "white stuff"? Once it hits your stomach your body can't tell the difference. Hell! Even tomato sauce is over 25% sugar.

All the "low fat", "health food" is killing us. It's carbohydrates. Look at the labels at the supermarket - just about EVERYTHING has not just some but HEAPS of added sugar.

So I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes a couple of years ago and nearly died in a sugar coma. All the while I was eating "healthy". I was basically then told that carbs are bad and so is fat and so is protein so just starve yourself.

My sister had lost heaps of weight and was looking great after going on a Paleo diet. I have also been following Dr. Jordan B Peterson on YouTube since 2016 and have watched the man transform due to his going on the Carnivore diet. So, I had had a gutful and did some research.

I discovered that a group of HUNDREDS of Australian and American doctors and specialists, research scientists, engineers, and concerned community members were revisiting the data from all the old studies and also conducting new, ground-breaking research into biochemistry and how our diet affects us. They founded the "Low Carb Down Under" channel and are a bunch of brave souls.

Their videos of conferences, lectures and talks has transformed my life. By changing my lifestyle based on their information, I have stopped going downhill. Although the damage to my heart is most likely permanent, I have had a remarkable turn for the better. I have adopted a Low Carb/Healthy Fat (LCHF) diet and lost 20 kg. I am no longer taking insulin or diuretics. All my blood work shows dramatic improvement each time I visit my doctor.

This has caused me to reevaluate just about everything in my life that I took as gospel. Everything that was "established fact" according to the establishment is now suspect. If I hadn't already done my research then that's what I've been up to over the last 8 months or so. If you think I was a cynical, grumpy old fart before, then you are in for a surprise.

There is so much I want to say on this topic but if I do it all at once it will be ANOTHER year before my next blog post.


P.S If you haven't already then you should visit the Low Carb Down Under YouTube channel