Tuesday 29 April 2014

Loving or being loved?

God is love.

Many Christians spend most of their waking time searching for the love of God. They want to feel loved and hang in God's presence because "nothing I would rather do", etc.

The only problem there is that Jesus told us to show love, to do things that express the love of God to other people. He taught us to love.

Seeking love is self-seeking and it is selfish. It is true that all human beings need to be loved but the attempt to fill that gaping hole in our hearts is the cause of every evil thing on this planet. It has been preached by many (including me) that it is a God-shaped hole and that we fill it with Him to become complete. Now that is true but once that has happened we need to take that love out to others. When we know Him we no longer should be seeking to be loved but in knowing we are loved by the creator we take Him out to them. That is the love of God. It is not "carpet hugging" or deep worship, it is feeding the hungry and visiting the widow.

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE worship and it refreshes me and equips me with a profound sense of the presence of God that helps me to conquer my fears and the other opposition so that I can go out there and reach people for Him. That said, worship is NOT the reason we are here, that is not what is meant by bringing God glory. Singing His praises is good, but there is no higher declaration of His goodness than to buy a homeless person a meal in His name or to get them shoes. Try it and see. The praise God gets from one of these precious ones is more intense and genuine than anything we can muster up no matter how hyped we get on a Sunday.




Posted by Garth Clarkson at 02:02

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