Tuesday 30 September 2014

Managing Prophetic Words

(Click on picture  above for YouTube Playlist)

There are lots of materials and many books and lots of hype surrounding the prophetic move and personal prophecies to the point that many contemporary churches have closed it down and discourage the prophetic in their meetings. I think that this is a very sad and sorry state of affairs that needs to be addressed and fixed. The solution to something powerful that has been abused is NOT disuse but correct use. Rather than running from this messy topic we have a responsibility to put it into its correct context. Paul said "Let everything be done properly and in order" but he didn't say if it's a hassle then throw it in the too-hard basket.

Personally I have found that nearly all (there have been one or two exceptions at most) personal prophecies I have had spoken over my life in the last 36 years have been beneficial. Some have been profoundly life changing. Some should have been but were not for various reasons that we might go into in this series. I will be looking at more in-depth topics of analysis and weaponising personal prophetic words in a later series. This is just a very quick and dirty overview that I just did off the top of my head. The idea is to get the concepts and ideas out there for debate and stimulation of activation within the life of the church and the life of the Christian in general. I want to demystify these things and bring them into reach of everyone who needs them at the same time as we equip and protect the everyday person from their abuse.

This YouTube series is once again intended for pastors and leaders within the body of Christ who I have the privilege to work with and speak into their lives. If anyone else gets something out of it is a bonus.

The prophetic, when done properly, is one of the most powerful tools for growth that exists. It has the potential to bring personal growth to individuals as well as to churches and other organisations.  The Bible says in Revelation "for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" so in effect it is a way that God can speak directly to His people and that comes in very handy at times.

If you want/need detailed and in-depth teaching on the prophetic I recommend the works of Dr Bill Hamon and others from Christian International, though, like prophecy itself it is not complete, it is an excellent reference filled with good principles within which to work. The one that is most important for every Christian exposed to the prophetic, even as a spectator to read is "Prophets and Personal Prophecy". For those who will be working with the prophetic regularly I recommend "Prophets and the Prophetic Movement". For those who intend to move in the prophetic themselves I highly recommend "Prophets, Pitfalls and Principles". All of these are bestsellers and can be found at Amazon and Barnes and Noble, etc.

Hope you enjoy.

Playlist link:

Managing Prophetic Words - Full Series

Links to individual videos in the list:

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